Industrial Fluid Systems Blog

Choosing Swagelok Tubing & Fitting Alloys? Engineered Combinations Resist Corrosion & Minimize Cost

Reduce costs in corrosive environments with Swagelok's engineered combinations

Instead of using tubing and fittings of the exact same alloy material, try engineered combinations of high quality Swagelok tube fittings with more robust tubing alloys. That way you can achieve a cos …

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The 10,000 Hour Rule and Finding Answers to Fluid Systems Technology Questions (New Video)

At Swagelok Edmonton we have worked for over 50 years at mastering fluid systems technology. Here's how that benefits you.

Whether it's reducing downtime, improving system efficiency, or enhancing your team's skills, if a challenge involves fluid systems or sampling systems, we can help solve it. Here's how.

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Bend Your Emissions Curve with Swagelok Low-E Valves (New Video, Free PDF)

Swagelok low emission-certified valves pay for themselves by reducing fugitive emissions

Many Canadian plants are bending their emissions curve downward, scoring substantial savings and other benefits. Addressing leaking valves is probably the single quickest way to improve, research sugg …

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