With Swagelok Tube Fittings, Proper Installation Is Easy

Written by Luke Wurban | Mon, Jun 03, 2019 @ 21:06 PM

Not only are Swagelok fittings simple to install, but our inspection tool can ensure it's done correctly every time



This short Tech Tip video explains how to ensure your Swagelok fitting has been properly installed by using our Gap Inspection Gauge. If you have any questions about this process, please message us below.

Quality control ensures that you'll get the same results every time

We always say it's easy to install a Swagelok tube fitting: Insert the tubing into the fitting, rotate the nut finger tight, mark the nut at the 6 o'clock position, then give the nut 1 and 1/4 turns until the mark is at the 9 o'clock position.

It's also easy to make sure you've installed the fitting properly. Swagelok maintains very strict quality control when manufacturing the tube fittings, so we know what the size of the gap should be between the body hex and the nut in a properly installed fitting. All you need to check your work is the Swagelok Gap Inspection Gauge.

We've produced a short video to show you how.

Three sizes

The gauge has three prongs so that you can measure three sizes: 1/4 inch, 3/8 inch, and 1/2 inch. All you do is pick the right size for your tube fitting and try to slide it between the body hex and the nut.

If you can't fit the gauge between the body hex and the nut, the installation was done correctly. If it does fit into the gap, the fitting needs additional pull-up.

But remember one very important point: The gauge should be used only on the initial installation of the tube fitting. Don't use the gap inspection gauge with reassembled fittings.

Follow the instructions every time, use the inspection gauge every time, and you can be assured of proper pull-up.

Get it done properly with every fitting. If you're having trouble with installation or have any questions, we would be happy to help. Simply give us a call at 780-437-0640, or send us a note through the "Message Us" link below and we can walk you through it.